7 Color Styles
Athena comes with 6 awesome cAolor styles that can be easily switched from the theme options page. Choose the one that fits your visual identity the best…
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Portfolio & Slider Post Types
Athena comes with easy to use custom post types for the portfolio and slider. The custom post types have options to configure and fine tune every detail just the way you want…
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Easy Shortcode Generator
Shuffle is jam-packed with incredible easy to use shortcodes. Insert shortcodes and set their options with a click of a button. The shortcodes are packed in the WordPress editor menu…
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Athena is a premium WordPress theme that fits any of your needs. It has loads and loads of features and many ways to customize it the way you need and like. Almost to good to be true.
Custom Widgets
Athena comes with five custom widgets that you can use, along with the default ones, in an unlimited number of sidebars. With Athena you can even have each page with its own widgets.
Powerful Control Panel
Athena comes with a powerful, intuitive and easy to use theme options page. Select what background patterns to show, change the slider’s settings and much more.
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Athena – Premium WordPress Theme
The Revolution is over. Prepare for Evolution. Athena will help you take your website to the next level. It is built with SEO, usability and overall user experience in mind. Although it’s a very powerful theme, it is unbelievable easy to use. Get Athena Premium WordPress Theme now and enjoy the difference.
*Note: All the images used for the featured slider and post/page thumbnails or portfolio are copyrighted to their respective authors. These images are used for demo purpose only and are not for sale or included in the down-loadable package.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In bibendum pellentesque nibh, in auctor massa tincidunt sed. Suspendisse malesuada sollicitudin diam ut vestibulum. Nulla vehicula tempus ante, at mollis velit gravida sed. Integer accumsan erat at leo ultrices non tincidunt lectus hendrerit. Vestibulum ornare adipiscing libero, eget consectetur libero porttitor vel.
Cras vulputate fringilla posuere. Mauris vestibulum justo eu elit pellentesque pharetra. Curabitur iaculis diam in nulla ornare in pulvinar dui malesuada. Nullam sagittis semper viverra. Nam fringilla lectus quis eros tincidunt semper. Aliquam felis dolor, vestibulum at vestibulum tempor, rutrum sit amet felis. Curabitur congue consequat nulla eget adipiscing. Sed turpis metus, hendrerit sed ornare quis, malesuada et nulla. Sed sagittis lobortis magna.
Duis in mi purus. Nulla vel arcu ligula, quis varius quam. Maecenas ultricies suscipit nunc, et facilisis tortor adipiscing vel. Vivamus at erat eu nisi suscipit ornare consequat nec orci. Cras fringilla molestie pellentesque. Cras vel elementum enim. Pellentesque imperdiet nunc ut enim facilisis sagittis. Etiam porta, mi ut fermentum faucibus, magna risus aliquam nisi, eget auctor leo nunc ac ipsum.
Aliquam porta commodo lorem, quis aliquam nibh faucibus eget. Morbi facilisis lobortis imperdiet. Integer sed tempus enim. Sed bibendum leo dictum diam fringilla at iaculis nisi imperdiet. Praesent posuere tellus a nisi auctor a pretium ante blandit. Nulla eros tellus, tempus vel euismod eget, viverra vel enim. Maecenas posuere sagittis nunc, at laoreet nibh pharetra vitae.